watching the news and I am pxssxd off. all you hear is how badly the black people are treated and how they are still in a witch hunt for president Trump. well hear goes my out of control mouth. the fact is the black people are just as guilty as anyone else. the BLM is nothing more than a gang that was started by government and they are accountable for their actions and thoes who set fires beat up people stole from the shops and others and the other laws they broke should be brought to justice and the one's that took a life they should be locked up forever.
our Congress and Senate have showed their ass and after all the money they have spent we the people are doing without. they sent it to other countries and acutely sent more than we will ever see. let's not forget two impeachment hearings that cost the people and again Congress and Senate thought it was okay. if it came from there wallet you could bet your ass it would not have happened. so I think it's time to dump the swamp and replace them ALL with people like you, and a law passed that you can't make over a hundred thousand a year and hold office. yes that would keep the ritch spoiled from holding office. Biden has started a investigation into the riot at Washington he will be trying to make president Trump a instigator even though we know he's more Americans than they ever will be. thank you for hearing me out