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Rep. Cammack to Newsmax TV: HR1 Voting Bill a 'Power Grab' for Dems
(Newsmax TV/"American Agenda"

By Solange Reyner | Thursday, 04 March 2021 03:47 PM


Rep. Kat Cammack, R-Fla., says the radical H.R.1 bill passed Wednesday night by House Democrats is a flat-out ''power grab'' by Democrats.

H.R.1, called the For the People Act, is an 800-plus bill that folds together previous proposals for absentee voting, in-person voting, campaign finance and ethics. Republicans have ripped the legislation as a ''federal government takeover.''

The bill now advances to the Senate in what would be the largest overhaul of the U.S. election law in at least a generation.

''If Democrats have been so concerned about election integrity, why didn’t they pursue this last Congress?'' Cammack said Thursday during an appearance on Newsmax TV’s ''American Agenda.''

''Don’t we all recall in November and December where they said this was the best, most secure election they’ve ever seen in their lifetime? Then why is H.R.1 their top priority? Why all of a sudden, this push for this new reform?''

Cammack specifically slammed a provision in the bill that would implement a 6-to-1 match for small-dollar donations, calling it ludicrous that someone like Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., would receive taxpayer funds for posting "some explosive video, name-calling, calling everybody a racist."