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Gateway Pundit
Many people in the state are tired of the corruption in the county. They want a full forensic audit of the county that will uncover any and all invalid ballots from the 2020 election

Will the American people ever see the final 2020 election results in Maricopa County when all efforts to date are to obstruct and tamper with the ballots? What happened to our country?

Early Indications Are That Ballots Found Shredded in Maricopa County Dumpster Are Completed Ballots from the 2020 Election

Early Indications Are That Ballots Found Shredded in Maricopa County Dumpster Are Completed Ballots from the 2020 Election

What a mess the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors (MCBOS) have gotten themselves into. After refusing to provide ballots to the Arizona Senate for months, as soon as the judge ordered the MCBOS to hand them over, shredded ballots are found in a dumpster.