Hear O Israel, the LORD our God is One... I am a servant of the LORD Jesus Christ. Not a great servant, I have failed the Lord more times than I can count. Not once has He ever failed me. His blood is the most precious gift He gave to me. After that, the greatest blessing has been the liberty I was born with and have enjoyed throughout my life.
It breaks my heart to see my country stolen by people with the spirit of Judas, who for 30 pieces of silver betrayed the King of Glory. These devils now control the White House, Senate, House of Representatives, Supreme Court, FBI, CIA, DOJ...I have known for quite a while, that the fulfillment of the prophecies of The Revelation of John, would require the elimination of the free people of America. I believe we are seeing this come to pass now. As Jesus said " when you see these things come to pass. Look up, lift up your heads, for your redemption draweth nigh" .
I have failed, people have failed me, God has never failed, he even took victory from the grave. I know my redeemer lives. We will see justice if we hold fast, don't look for it in this world, because the god of this world is moving toward a new world order headed by the false prophet, the beast and the mother of harlots.
No matter what, stay strong, fear not, endure hardness as a good soldier for Christ. Dark times are coming, but God's people are protected, remember Lot, Noah, Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, Abednego. We may get thrown into the fire or the lions den but God will always be with us! Stand for truth, keep your integrity No Matter What it costs. They are coming for us, everyone who calls upon the NAME of JESUS!