A lot of people look at suffering a little differently than me. For me, suffering has been a big part of my growing process as a Christian. There are times when I have wondered why God didn’t heal me after so many prayers from myself and others. But I have to remind myself all the time of what Jesus said to his Father, “My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done." (Matthew 26:42 NIV) Jesus prayed this when he knew that his time was near to be crucified. He prayed that prayer three times in the Garden of Gethsemane. Jesus had flesh and bones just like you and I. The Apostle Paul prayed for the Lord to take away his “thorn in the flesh” three times, yet God said to him, “My grace is sufficient for you.” (2 Corinthians 12:9 NIV) In Paul’s circumstance God added, “for my power is made perfect in weakness."
For you and me that means that in our suffering, in our “weaknesses”, God can do what he needs to do to accomplish His will in our lives. For me that has meant growing closer and closer to Him. I’ve often wondered if that meant I would stray if the suffering was removed.
This morning as I was reading the Word, I wrote in my notebook “It is good that God allowed all my suffering. Without them (my suffering) I would have kept trying to do it on my own, life that is…until it was too late. I believe that is very possibly true, because had God not allowed the suffering, I’m not sure I would have asked Jesus to be my Savior. I would have probably died knowing about God, but not knowing Him, which is what Jesus talks about in the Gospels, saying that it was necessary to truly “know” Him. Knowing Him is what happens when we are born again. We begin to live differently, each of us at a different pace. And this is what God truly wants from us. He wants us to “know” Him, and understand how much He loves us, so much so that He gave his only begotten Son Jesus as a sacrifice for our sins, clearing the way into eternity for those who believe on Him and do so by asking Him to be their Savior.
So now, I look at suffering a lot differently than I used to. Even now in my own suffering I’m thankful for it because I know how the devil works with people, especially Christians. I know that I am just as susceptible as anyone to commit sins. When you look at the news you see a lot of Christians that have been toppled from high places because they left to their own “devices” shall we say. Like them, I know who I am, inside and out, better than anyone else…except God. I know what I’m capable of. He knows what I’m capable of. Therefore, because of His love for me, and not wanting to see me fail, I believe He has allowed these things (suffering) to keep me “weak” as Paul was weak. And as the verse says, “for my power is made perfect in weakness." I think Paul would have been prideful if not for his thorn in the flesh. I think I would be too, among other things.
If you’re suffering in some way, look to God and see if there is something that He might be saving you from doing if you were healthy, and not afflicted. My afflictions, health and otherwise, drove me to the Lord. So now, I couldn’t be more grateful for “everything” He has done for me. And now, I think they keep me from falling backwards again.
None of us likes to suffer for any reason, whether it be physical or emotional, or otherwise. But if Jesus is your Lord and Savior you know that one day soon all the pain and sorrow will disappear…forever. Also know that there is probably a very good reason that God has not healed you…yet. Somehow, in some way, God’s power will be made perfect through our weakness.
Knowing that, I think we can actually rejoice in some ways knowing that God is using us in ways that we won’t understand until we’re with Him, when He will explain it all, or we will come to understand what our suffering had accomplished in some amazing way.
If God has not taken your thorn in the flesh away…there is probably a very wonderful reason.
God Bless!