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LDS General Conference TV & Websites & Times April 2021.
The 1st & 2nd Links listed here only works with LDS Church Members who have registered. This coming weekend is our (Mormons-Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints) semi-annual General Conference. It is held in Salt Lake City but seen and heard worldwide via BYU Channel, Internet, etc. Join with millions worldwide to hear messages of love and hope through the gospel of Jesus Christ. Below 6 Options have been confirmed, As of 04-02-21. 1 www.churchofjesuschrist.org such as: broadcasts.ChurchofJesusChrist.or 2 Gospel Library mobile app(s) Gospel Library, such as: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/pages/mobileapps/gospellibrary https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/pages/mobileapps https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/pages/mobileapps/gospel-library-user-guide-android https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/pages/mobile-apps?lang=eng 3 www.BYUTV.org 4 www.kslnewsradio.com 5 Church’s YouTube Channel, such as: www.youtube.com/user/mormonmessages https://www.youtube.com/channe....l/UCdNjexbIS_NKJC4ZR . Or for more Options go to
6 www.bonneville.info Saturday & Sunday meetings 9-11 AM and 1-3 PM all Pacific Standard Time. On Saturday only, a special Session (boys and men ages 11 and up, but everyone is welcome to view it) takes place at 5-7 PM. April 3rd and 4th 2021. General Conference Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-Day Saints Utah. www.youtube.com/user/mormonmessages