Fidel Valenzuela added new photos to Finance
3 yrs

Always a joy talking with friends about finance. Happy they have enjoyed all our chats and found a lot of value in them for themselves and others’ financial journey.

I think every one of us desires to give back in some way according to our personalities and gifts - it’s just finding out what those gifts are that takes time. ?

My wife likes to learn about enneagrams (personalities) a lot. She found out I’m an enneagram 5. They are known as the knowledge seekers. And what do you know - finance is one of their preferred fields they excel at. Happy to find out I’m in the right field.

Some famous enneagram 5 people include St. Thomas Aquinas, Albert Einstein, Bobby Fischer, and Sir Isaac Newton.

What enneagram are you and what field would you love to work in?


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