"Among Major League Baseball fans, 54% agree with the provisions in the law that MLB moved the All-Star Game out of Atlanta to protest. Fifty-eight percent of all respondents, including a majority of non-white Americans (!) and nearly half of MLB fans, believe politicians and the media are exaggerating to make the Georgia law sound worse than it is. And in what should come as a four-alarm warning to the MLB, its already-negative ratings are climbing: 44% of respondents now have an overall negative view of the MLB after the decision to move the game; and of those who already viewed the MLB negatively, 79% now view it more negatively.
But it gets worse: another poll by Rasmussen that I previously mentioned not only found that 51% of Americans (including 30% of Democrats) think cheating affected the 2020 election, but large majorities of all racial groups reject the claim that voter ID discriminates against some voters. And brace yourselves, woke CEOs: 59% of whites, 56% of blacks, and 63% of other minority voters believe it’s more important to make sure there’s no cheating in elections than it is to make it easier to vote. In fact, 34% of voters think it’s already too easy to vote!
(FYI: the least surprising finding was that strong Biden supporters are the group least likely to say preventing cheating in elections is a higher priority than making it easier to cast ballots.)
All this begs the question: why are these corporations, whose boards and CEOs are paid outlandish bucks to maximize stockholder returns, alienating millions of customers to placate a tiny minority of leftists who insist that their radical views are the only acceptable ones and if you disagree, you’re a sexist, racist, homophobic, transphobic Nazi? Would you buy a soda from someone who told you that? I'd be afraid to drink it if they gave it to me for free."
-Mike Huckabee

It is my firm belief that the election was fraudulent; perhaps not in every detail that Trump said it was, but it was fraudulent. After all, major corporations, the AFL-CIO admitted to collaborating with major corporations, major news media and major social media to control the flow of information, to get voting restrictions lifted and to spread propaganda that would "protect the election." By that term "protect the election," they meant "ensure that Biden won." My question is this....will Americans wake up and put a stop to the Communist takeover of America or listen to their lies as they trample on our freedoms?