I'm so glad to find this site. Tried MeWe...full of porn. Gab full of hate. Sick of being shadowbanned on Twitter (plus I stay MAD all the time...not good for my mind OR spirit!) I'm seeing America crumbling at the edges, coming apart at the seams...or pick your own metaphor. I've reached the point where I want ACTION not talk. IS there anything we can do to stop gov't from taking our tax dollars & using them to advance a liberal agenda? CAN we get fake congress members OUT? (Such as the 3 socialist/sharia/fake congresswomen AOC, Ilhan & Tlaib) CAN we put referendums on ballots? They've stolen our ONE bullet...our votes.

WHAT CAN WE DO AS CITIZENS??? Besides vent our anger & frustration on social media I mean. FOIA like Tom Fitton? Attending board/govt meetings? Fighting back hard at the indoctrination factories called schools?

Fed up in Florida...