A Prayer for Our Nation, AMERICA
OUR HEAVENLY FATHER, in the Name of JESUS, we place Jesus' blood over this Christian nation, America, as we come humbly before your presence. We take authority over all satanic spirits trying to hinder us in our prayers for this nation. We ask You LORD to bring to our mind any un-confessed sin which needs to be dealt with before we intercede for our country (1 JOHN 1:9)
We come before you without blame, made Holy by the blood of JESUS (EPHESIANS 1:4). You tell us, the first thing to do when gathered together is to pray for the kings and all authority (1 TIMOTHY 2:2).
We are holders of a dual citizenship -- by birth or naturalization, we are citizens of the United States. By rebirth, we are citizens of Heaven (EPHESIANS 2:19-22), seated in Jesus Christ (EPHESIANS 2:6), for above all power, principalities, thrones, might, and dominions (EPHESIANS 1:21). We are blessed with all spiritual blessings (EPHESIANS 1:3), and doing the works of the Father on this earth (JOHN 14:10-14).
We have come together in this body which is not a church. We are to rule by prayer over civil authorities (ACTS 12:1-11) showing the manifold wisdom of God to all the heavenlies (EPHESIANS 3:1.
We now assume our rightful position over this world and this nation. We bind to our authority in JESUS CHRIST in the third heaven, the entire satanic hierarchy, and loose derision upon the enemy (PSALM 2:4).
The objective of our prayer is to bring about the restoration of this nation. You say this is a people robbed and spoiled, all of them snared in holes and hidden in prison houses. They are for a prey and none delivers; for a spoil and none says restore (ISAIAH 42:22).
LORD, we ask You to cause it to be reported in the third heaven this day that we say unto you, "LORD, deliver, and restore," because we know restoration is only by the power of our God (JUDGES 11:13-24).
In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, we bind the rulers of this age, year, month, and day. Since God commands, "Time and seasons for His people" (DANIEL 2:21), we set the Spirit of Restoration over all the areas just bound, to restore unto us the years the locusts have eaten (JOEL 2:25).
In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, we bind the Strong Man over this world, the Northern Hemisphere and North America. We now set the Spirit of Holiness unto the Lord overall areas just bound. In the Name of, JESUS CHRIST, we bind the Strong Man over this nation and the Spirits of Political and Spiritual Blindness. We bind the Strong Man over each individual State, commonwealth, territory, possession and all land occupied by the United States of America.
LORD, you have revealed Your nature to us in the names You have given Yourself. In Your name, Elohim, You declare You are the Covenant Keeper; and the Eternal and Unchanging God. We are Abraham’s Spiritual Seed (GALATIANS 3:16; 29) and all the promises of God are Yea and Amen in Christ Jesus (II CORINTHIANS 1:2.
Bring about the deliverance of all the people in this nation who call themselves Your Name. Let that deliverance cause us to humble ourselves to pray and intercede (ACTS 12:1-11), to seek Your face (JOSHUA 10:12; ISAIAH 55:6), and turn from our wicked ways. Then You will hear, forgive, and heal our land (2 CHRONICLES 7:14).
You have imparted Your Name, Elohim, to rulers (PSALM 82:11) and judges (EXODUS 22:9). Because they manifest in a very small way some of your Deity and Nature, we bind and remove Satan from them. We loose upon them all the edifying Spirits of God (HEBREWS 17:7, 14) which lost not their first estate (ISAIAH 11:2).
You are also LORD Jehovah, and must judge in relation to virtue. You love Righteousness and hate Iniquity (PSALM 45:7). If this alone were to happen, we would have no hope; because they have made Your law void, You must now act (PSALM 119:126).
You are God Almighty, El Shaddi, the Pourer Forth, Who makes us fruitful by nourishing us with Your Life Blood (ACTS 20:28) and the shedding forth of Your Spirit (JOEL 2:28; ACTS 2:17-21). Pour out Your Righteousness (AMOS 5:24) with Spirits of Grace and Supplication (ZECHARIAH 12:1. We now praise you and offer You thanksgiving (PSALM 50:14).
You are GOD MOST HIGH, El Elyon, and rule in the Kingdom of Men (DANIEL 4:32). You tell us to call upon You in the time of trouble (PSALM 50:14,15), to possess, take and judge the Kingdom of Most High (DANIEL 7:18, 22, 25, 27).
Restore now, our nation, where it used to be, when this land was run by our founding fathers, O LORD God Most High, Maker of Heaven and Earth, Lord of Hosts, and of the harvest. In the mighty name of, JESUS we ask this. Thank you, Father, for setting this nation free. In the mighty Name of, JESUS CHRIST, Amen!!!