Not Sure how long this will stay on youtube?
some very eye opening info from leading front line doctors:
The USA is being duped by the biggest conspiracy in our time!
WHY, WHY, WHY are people blindly buying into the shot?
don't be duped! Use your brain and, vet out what is being pushed on people.
W.H.O is suppose to be collecting through the VARS DB
* When was the last time there was a lottery type payment to convince people to take a shot?
* Why is the WHO not listening to front line doctors who are in the field healing people?
* Why is Bill Gates involved in this pandemic?
* Are you aware that there is "VAERS DB" that is suppose to be collecting info about reactions to the Shot? (but are declining to take cases saying this is "obvious defect, etc." instead of allowing info to be determined in a scientific way? Thereby crippling the very system put in place to assist front line doctors?
YOU should be able to make a report yourself (per there website)
Learn about this information and much more from this group [DarkHorse Podcast Clips] follow this link below for some VERY INTERESTING details...
#darkhorse Podcast Clips, #why is the US being lied to?,