The part of the book that began to change what I believed about womanhood when I was a teenager...
"Satan fell BECAUSE of his beauty. Now his heart for revenge is to assault beauty. He destroys it in the natural world wherever he can. Strip mines, oil spills, fires, Chernobyl. He wreaks destruction on the glory of God in the earth like a psychopath committed to destroying great works of art.
But MOST especially, he hates Eve.
Because she is captivating, uniquely glorious, and he cannot be. She is the incarnation of the Beauty of God. More than anything else in all creation, she embodies the glory of God. She allures the world to God. He hates it with a jealousy we can only imagine.
And there is more. The Evil One also hates Eve because she gives life. Women give birth, not men. Women nourish life. And they also bring life into the world soulfully, relationally, spiritually--in everything they touch. Satan was a murderer from the beginning, (John 8:44). He brings death. His is a kingdom of death. Ritual sacrifices, genocide, the Holocause, abortion--those are his ideas. And thus Eve is his greatest human threat, for she brings life. She is a lifesaver and a life giver. Eve means "life" or "life producer."
"Adam named his wife Eve, because she would become the mother of all the living." (Gen. 3:2
Put those two things together--that Even incarnates the Beauty of God AND she gives life to the world. Satan's bitter heart cannot bear it. He assaults her with special hatred. History removes any doubt about this. Do you begin to see it?
...You are hated BECAUSE of your beauty and power."-Captivating
The Devil is at war with woman. Let's fight back.