I have been dismayed and saddened by the once Christian Organization, Focus on the Family, becoming another DNC/CCP tool, supporting traitors. liars, murderers and corporate interest above truth and the Christian faith!

They have recently released commentaries in support of people taking the vaccines and complying with the totalitarian's heinous and unscientific "pandemic" response! They imply it is a proper Christian thing to do, to take the injection of experimental and unnecessary drugs! (not true vaccines at all) They dismiss all counter information, facts, theories or Scientist that disagree with their political assessment and unscientific review of the virus and the drug injections pushed by the Big corporations and Marxist supporters, alike! When you take a political stance not considering that your allies in that platform are Marxist/Atheist, hostile Totalitarian Governments and other anti Christian groups, you might be going the wrong direction! This follows their support of Republican traitors like the former VP Pence and support of leftist Democrats/Marxist talking points about politics and the Fake vaccines for the planned Pandemic , that came from CCP labs , supported by DNC approved liars and other liars in the Leftist Press! Focus on the Family was a huge mistake for me! My wife and I supported them, even when our money was tight. Never more! I no longer can believe any statements from the liars that organized and run that Filthy , not Christian organization! They have become just another professional charity, creating good paying jobs for their lackeys!