Nothing Hidden
Luke 8:16-18 is one of Jesus' shortest parables. He spoke in parables for clarification. People are more attentive to a good story than they are instruction. Had my teachers given me their lesson in parables, I may have been on the honor roll. Then again...maybe not.
“No one after lighting a lamp covers it with a jar or puts it under the bed, but puts it on a stand, so that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not be made manifest, nor is anything secret that will not be known and come to light. Take care then how you hear, for to the one who has, more will be given, and from the one who has not, even what he thinks he has will be taken away.”
This is a fascinating little parable that applies more to this day than it did during the time that Jesus spoke it. Everything in this universe revolves around light and darkness. The beginning of everything was about the separation of light and darkness. Light is good, darkness attempts to hide what is good.
Truth is also referred to as light. If we know something to be true we don’t cover it up or place it somewhere to hide it. We set it up so that it may uncover what darkness has been trying to hide. We live in a day where there are those who live in darkness, those who hide the truth. It is easy to see. They will give you a piece of information and cover areas of it and hide other pieces of information. This is what Jesus is referring to in this parable. They will even take various facts and leave out other facts to manipulate people into believing that their lie is a truth. Anyone willing to challenge the lie with the truth needs to be shut down and...wait for it...that ugly word “censors” it.
You would think in this parable that since Jesus is speaking of light and darkness that He would be referring to what we see. Not so. He said; “Take care then how you hear.” The first time that I read this, I totally missed it. Hearing is where we develop our beliefs. “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God.” Where is the focus of your hearing? Your faith, beliefs, hopes, and moral structure is based on what you listen to. There are many places in the Bible where it is written; “For those who have ears, let them hear.”
Jesus then explains what we can refer to as a “snowball effect.” For those who have some truth, more will be given to them and for those who have not what they think they have will be taken away. We are seeing this today more and more. The more that they try to hide the more that is being revealed. I see where those choosing to live in darkness can’t keep it hidden so just admit to it. When it gets to that point then they insist that you accept it. You don’t get to choose what is right or wrong, they will make that decision for you and you will like it and shut up. The word of God is my light, He came in the flesh and saved my life. Nobody can take that from me and nobody will keep me from talking about it. Have a nice day.