Heaven Is Mask-Free
There seems to be a lot of bad news out recently. Thanks to the government, masks are returning. Are Covid variants really that dangerous, only God knows.
Clearly the government wishes to continue their division of people by trying to pit those that are vaccinated against the unvaccinated. The Women’s Draft has been supported by both Democrats AND Republicans and will come to a floor vote later this year. Yet, another way to divide people.
Clearly our government continues their obsession with making men and women the “same”, even though God made them different. Gay rights and transgenderism rights continue their efforts as well. The latest of which is winning a court case that forces Christian web-site designers to write things that violate their faith-or quit their job. Yet, another way to divide people.
Even Christians are divided between those who believe God’s Word and those who don’t.
From gay marriage to forcing transgenderism on children to the “woke” military training, and all of the above, our country appears to be destroying itself from the inside-out.
And that is incredibly sad for all of us. We love this country and the values and traditions that built it. We always will. Will America recover? Only God knows.
But we will recover, because God loves us! The government may persecute Christians, the country may fall without a single shot being fired, many churches may be forced to become simply an arm of the government, but we, ourselves, we can still Follow Jesus.
And that is the Good News ?. Prayer does not require governmental approval. We can “hide Bible verses in our hearts”. And nothing on this earth can stop us from calling on the Lord when we are in need. And no power on earth can stop us from Loving Jesus and Loving our neighbor ?.
We are going Home to Heaven, and that is not something the “government” can stop. Heaven is our Forever Home-given to us by Christ. And no power on this earth can take Heaven from us. Don’t give up!
There’s no doubt that there has been an awful lot of bad news lately. But life on earth was always going to get difficult. The Bible told us that. And Jesus warned us of that, so we would be ready. That doesn’t make it any more pleasant, but it does steady us. God is still God, Jesus is still Jesus. And the Holy Spirit still lives in us ? . God still wins and so do we ?. Do not fear, God’s Got This!
Need Hope today? Turn to Jesus!
Those who believe in Jesus will Meet at Heaven’s Gate, where there are NO masks!