susiehite gedeeld post  
6 jr

Madison County probate #court ruled that a father of a #baby that was #aborted by the father’s girlfriend has the right to sue the woman’s center that performed the procedure, as well the employees of the center and the pharmaceutical company that made the medication used in the abortion.

6 jr

Madison County probate #court ruled that a father of a #baby that was #aborted by the father’s girlfriend has the right to sue the woman’s center that performed the procedure, as well the employees of the center and the pharmaceutical company that made the medication used in the abortion.

LANDMARK DECISION: Alabama Court Rules Aborted Baby Is A Person With Rights | Daily Wire

LANDMARK DECISION: Alabama Court Rules Aborted Baby Is A Person With Rights | Daily Wire

In a landmark case, an Alabama court became the first court in the nation to recognize an aborted baby as a person with rights.