Hi Folks,

Here is a short update about MOB / CGI.

Vice News nationwide had the Greater Idaho news story on last night. If you go to Vice.com (news) you can find it under August 5th.

Looks like Klamath County will have more than enough signatures collected this weekend to get them on the ballot next May. Maria and Barbi are working the Klamath County Fair. Photo attached

Harney County is on the ballot this November.

Josephine has two new official county MOB / CGI co-captains Marcia Boettcher and Becky. They collected 195 signatures last Saturday at a drive thru signature collection event. This is a great way to collect signatures and easy for people to drive thru during the 100 degree temperatures. We have about 690 Josephine County signatures now and the fires (no-pun intended) are lit in Josephine County. Move Oregon’s Border has a life of it’s own in this county.

I’m asking our signature collectors to collect email addresses as they collect signatures so we can add them to our Constant Contact emails. These two steps should go hand in hand when collecting signatures. The larger our contact base is the more people get information about our movement and a ‘WIN’ at the ballot box. We lost over 12,000 contacts when Facebook closed our Group Page in January of this year.

Meeting with our Douglas County Captain, David Jacques (Owns the Beacon Newspaper in Roseburg) next Thursday and we are excited about re-launching MOB/CGI movement in Douglas County. They are our first love and support back in March of 2020 where more than 400 people came to our first rally prior to the Covid shutdown. We have enough signatures to get Douglas County back on the ballot next May.

Sat in on the Crook County Commissoner’s Court meeting, Wednesday. Standing room only, about 50 people. The commissioners will not place an advisory question on the ballot in the upcoming Crook County election but want to ask the Oregon Attorney General if it is legal to do so. Crook County people are getting very angry with the commissioners about this process and are still pushing to get a chance to vote. Move Oregon’s Border has a life of its own in Crook County.

Sandie Gilson, Grant County captain and Move Oregon’s Border board member, attended the Grant County Commissioners meeting and discussed our Movement with the commissioners. Citizens in attendance spoke in favor of Move Oregon’s Boarder, commissioners did not lean one way or another.

Here is a You tube link to a partial presentation to two Idaho committees in April this year. It spells out a lot about our reasons to Move Oregon’s Border.

-IKQ There is a lot of information on GreaterIdaho.org. Always direct people towards our website for events, facts and answers to questions.