I just stopped my monthly subscription to YouTube. I’m sick of supporting platforms that censor and shred the constitution. The best way to bring down these bastions of hate and cowardice is to hurt them in their pocketbooks. Isn’t it interesting that social media has no problem with porn, sodomy, child trafficking, witchcraft and everything wicked under the sun, yet let someone post some truth or factual information, even scriptures and even prayers are being taken down, and they gag you like a criminal! Personally, I’m getting sick of it! My iPhone is getting paid off and I’m getting rid of it too. Tired of being spied on and tracked like a felon. Enough is enough!

I have posted videos that quote verbatim what the CDC and the NIH post on their own websites, yet fake checkers say it’s false information. WELL IF IT’S FALSE INFORMATION, WHY DO YOU KEEP QUOTING THEM IN YOUR FAKEBOOK ADS AND YOUTUBE VIDEOS AS FACT! THEY CAN’T BE TRUE AND FALSE AT THE SAME TIME! MAKE UP YOUR MIND FAKE MEDIA! When one little weasel Doctor that has lied and been caught lying in emails multiple times and yet he’s suppose to be some expert speaks, we’re suppose to listen to him? Really? But when tens of thousands of Doctors post videos and post that contradict the weasel and the Communist Disease Center, they get the silent treatment and banned from your platforms. THIS IS WHY AMERICANS DON’T TRUST YOU ANYMORE! THIS ISN’T SCIENCE, IT’S CONTROL AND PROPAGANDA! STOP YOUR LYING! THE DEVIL IS A LIAR AND SO ARE YOU!!! ??????????