What happened to “We will never forget”?
As I sit here and remember 911, I have to ask what happened to the mantra, “We will never forget”? Within hours of the collapse of the World Trade towers, millions of Americans stepped up as one not only to help our fellow Americans, but also to fight the enemy. Millions of dollars were given, people stood in line for hour to donate blood, our churches filled with people from all walks of life to pray for America and her citizens. Our young men and women joined the military to help fight our enemy.
But here we are 20 years later and I have to wonder what changed to us Americans with the latest attack. Yes, we are under attack again; this time from within. Politicians and the rich and powerful have constantly trampled on our Constitution in order to take away our freedom that so many have fought for, giving all they had, even their lives.
As I see it, this had torn our country in half and everyone just sits around complaining and hoping that things will change in November of 2022. If you look back over the past 18 months and see all the damage that has been done to our country, we can only imagine how bad it can get in another 16 months. And even then, can we really trust the election process to reflect the will of the people?
Wake up America! We are under attack again, and we are doing nothing. Those in charge right now don’t care about you and me. All they care about is their power and putting more money (our money) in their pockets. We should be falling on our faces begging God to forgive our sins and heal our land. We should be doing everything physically possible to fight for our freedom.
So what’s it going to be people? What are you going to do to stand for freedom? What are you willing to do to unite America again?