Does anyone recall the National Senior Games (NSG) of 2019 in the host city of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Then, the NSG of America admitted its future was bleak. Volunteers are essential to its success; and NSG has realized volunteerism--in its behalf--is in decline. Volunteerism must be demonstrated, fostered, encouraged, and [emotionally] rewarded. Did you participants remember to say “Hello” and thank a volunteer or shake the hand of a local businessman and thank them for welcoming you?
The Huntsman World Senior Games (HWSG) begins soon, and it, too, faces the same hurdle--engaging sufficient numbers of volunteers.
Each year the Games and the local Chambers of Commerce grapple with how to maintain that welcoming, small town enthusiasm that visitors so much enjoy while participating or watching the events in Southern Utah. However, we participants can do our part to foster that “Dixie Spirit” and ensure the participants, who follow after us, have the same great experience that we have so enjoyed over the past years:
1. "Participate, Visit & Explore." If you come to southern Utah to simply participate, you're missing a lot. Visit with its people and explore the area. While not participating in your sport(s), become familiar with the other events, the community, and the surrounding area of Utah's Dixie. There's lots to see and do.
2. Remember to wear your name tags. Let everyone see you're "visiting".
3. Remember to say “Hello” and “Thank You” to the wonderful sponsors and the generous volunteers. By +50-years-old, we’ve outgrown any bashfulness. Introduce yourselves. We all have a favorite story to share, and we can still learn from others’ life experiences, especially if it is how to laugh at ourselves.
4. When packing for your trip to Utah, consider adding a few little local items to your luggage - some little goodies (e.g., a pin, key-ring, etc.) you might give to that special referee, volunteer, server, waiter, or store clerk of the local restaurants and shops and may cause them to pause and see your individual human face - to see you as their returning neighbor or acquaintance, rather than just a mercantile “consumer”.
5. Adopt a local club and let them know you’ll see them each year. You’ve already proven you’re a member of the active-senior community; you can be a member of the Dixie community, too. The sports venues are the product of local businesses, clubs, and individuals. These organizations and clubs, who host the events, support the Games at their own expense with great pride to showcase their facilities. A note or gratuity to the local clubs’ treasurers will certainly surprise them and go a long way toward letting them know their efforts are appreciated.
6. Consider being a volunteer yourself. The Games can always use more volunteers.