Copied this from GAB. Enjoy the read.

Dear U.S. Uniformed Freedom Fighters
By Lex Greene

Yes, I am talking to you, those in uniform who swore an oath to protect and defend the U.S. Constitution and the free people of the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic. That means all members of the U.S. Military, all federal, state, and local law enforcement, all members of United States National Security Agencies and yes, all judges and justices occupying a seat on a bench somewhere in the United States.

But you have gone even further, taking a solemn oath to lay down your lives, if need be, to protect the United States, the Constitution, and the American people against all enemies. Not a single one of you ever took an oath to protect or defend any corrupt politician or political organization, any foreign global Marxists, or become brownshirt enforcers for any unlawful and unconstitutional “mandates” from enemies of the American people.

You took a solemn oath to protect us, the American people, our way of life, and the Founding Documents that protect our freedom, from tyranny, from any corrupt tyrant or tyrants. You will be judged solely on the basis of who you choose to defend, us, or them!

The issue at hand today is what happens when the Commander-in-Chief or Military Command issues “unlawful orders” What happens when you are ordered to act against the American people on American soil, against their will?

Any order that directly infringes upon the Natural Rights of the American people, those you have taken an oath to protect and defend, resulting in any “deprivation of Rights” or a “conspiracy” to deprive Citizens of the constitutionally protected Natural Rights, is a crime of the highest order. It is “treason.