Good morning #usalifers!

Victims of their own creation are the worst.

These people truly believe everyone around them want them to suffer - that they were born into a system that prevents them from overcoming any obstacle place before them. A'la Matrix.

These people, of all colors, genders and economic status will always find a reason to complaint, whine and bitch. These people despise happy people. These people are the epitome of "misery loves company". These people with their 60" flat screen televisions, newest iPhone, decent automobile, food on the table a roof over their heads and free most likely who attend free schools from K to 12, these people who wake up every morning and look at the color of their skin and protest, "F*** I am still Brown, Black, White, what else could go wrong", these are the people that make America worse.

Whites aren't the problem.

Asians aren't the problem.

Americans of Spanish decent aren't the problem.

Wealthy people aren't the problem.

Business owners aren't the problem.
