An Open Letter To Biden Voters:
For 4 years you believed the MSM lies about 45 and you were led to hate him.
In 2018 and 19 you believed the MSM lies against Trump and for Joe Biden and you were led to trust Biden.
In 2020 the constant barrage of bald face lies and coverups led you to vote for Biden
Beginning in 2021 the reality began to sink in. The covered up inadequacies and ideologically driven agenda began to immerge. Here's how it is shaping up for each age group:
Young adults: even with $TRILLIONS in proposed spending, the promised forgiveness of student loan debt is not going to happen. Not only that, but with the increasingly worse jobs reports, your prospects of getting good paying jobs is evaporating. This means you will live at subsistence level while you pay them back, about 20 to 30 YEARS. (with decent jobs that could be halved if you could pay back more than the minimum due).
Middle aged folks: your earning potential is being eroded by illegal aliens given illegal work permits. In addition, the $TRILLIONS in spending will impact your already questionable prospects of ever getting back the Social Security TAX you are FORCED to pay. Apparently "infrastructure" can be defined as any social program, both foreign and domestic, except a program to INSURE your Social Security benefits, which you paid into for DECADES, are there when you need them.
Older folks that are left: I say that because the Biden Administration and its allies seem to be painting targets on your backs: the MAJORITY of Covid deaths THROUGHOUT the country were in nursing homes in states run by Democrats. None will ever be brought to justice. Health care is being attacked using C19 as a means to run off many dedicated health care workers via the mandates. Availability is suffering more every day.
I cannot begin to cover every ill effect this atrocious, unconscionable and unsustainable spending and ideologically challenged agenda will have on those now alive and those that survive the pro-death leanings of an abortion enabling and fostering party of death.
Only God knows the full impact. I only hope those reading this will share it, especially to those who ARE STILL BEING MISLED. Though they believed the lies, THE REALITY must surely be setting in. Please, Biden Voters admit your gullibility and wake up.
God Save the Republic
Deo Volente