Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others. (Philippians 2:3-4)

Most people are selfish, very ambitious, and conceited. It does not matter who they step on as long as they get their way. This is not the way of the Cross. The Christian life is a life of humility. It begins when a person humbles themselves and admits to God that they are a sinner. They express repentance and open their heart to God. They voice their humility, “I need you God; I cannot make it without you.” It is a struggle to live a life of humility, but God can begin to do a great work in and through our lives as we humble ourselves before Him.

The Apostle Paul also shared that Christians should view others as better than themselves. God does not want us to be respecters of persons. We cannot go around thinking that we are better than others. A student may be excluded by his peers because he does not look like them––in high school that is a big problem. But as Christians, we are to treat everyone the same––rich, middle-class or poor.

Christians are also to look out for the interests of others, especially regarding their need for salvation. People need Jesus! Believers are to regard themselves as servants of Jesus Christ. Be aware of the needs of others and give to them according to the blessings that God has given to you.

If you are self-centered, into yourself, you will fail to have anything to give others or share Jesus with unsaved people. Maybe you are a person who is focused on your fitness––maintaining a nice body. What about giving God the glory! He is the One who has given you your health, energy and time to go to the gym. Why not share Jesus with people there?

Are you guilty of thinking that you are better than everybody else? Do you only talk to people in your circle of friendships? Do not be a respecter of persons; with God’s love, treat everyone the same.

Humility is not thinking meanly of oneself, but rather it means not thinking of oneself at all. �~Vance Havner~