Three Thoughts
1. Mining for rare Earth elements and compounds is going to be the new battle ground for industries … and governments. These materials are used in the manufacture of: 1) batteries for EV cars and other types of batteries, 2) electronic devices and 3) are used in the manufacture of semiconductor devices – computer chips. Earth elements and compounds are mostly found in Africa and South Asia between India and the Middle East.
2. The problem with EV car batteries are: 1) cost to remove - they are big, heavy and require special rigging equipment to remove, 2) they require special disposal procedures and protocols - the contents of the batteries are considered hazmat, and 3) they are very expensive to buy and to install - they also require insulation - thermal and electrical.
3. The three biggest contributors to our weather cycles are in order: 1) Sun spot activity and Sun Corona mass discharges, 2) volcano ash discharges and 3) forest and jungle fires - not to be confused with controlled burns.