Border Invasion Catastrophe! Donate to Impeach Joe Biden!

33,000,000 ILLEGAL ALIENS have INVADED the United States (US Census estimate), 10,000,000 VOTED in the 2020 Presidential election using fake id and CANCELED OUT REPUBLICAN CITIZEN VOTERS. 3,000,000 NEW ILLEGAL VOTING INVADERS lining up to Vote will VOTE DEMOCRAT 2022! Our country is being destroyed by ILLEGAL ALIEN VOTERS and OPEN SOUTHERN BORDERS. No other country in the world allows illegal alien voting. This is national self destruction and insanity.

We must not allow the passage of HR1—a Safe Harbor federal law for Illegal Aliens’ Voting to Steal 2022 and 2024 midterm and the upcoming Presidential Election in 2024—a brazen in your face power grab by corrupt leftist socialist democrats.

FIGHT HARDER FIGHT SMARTER 2022 or lose everything you are working hard to achieve. Unite America, Save America, Make America Great Again. Donate Today and Vote in November. America needs your help today more than ever.

There is a lot of hard work to be done from MAGA-2022.COM We need you now--donate, volunteer, get involved to fight back and take back control of our government in November--just 270 days from today and we do not have money being donated to keep up with Joe Biden/Obama/Sanders/Warren democrats' fund raising and spending. This Republican Voter Silence Is Killing Us. Donate. MAGA-2022.COM

Send the attached official to all your friends and family. We love you all. Let’s Win In November.

Write directly to President Trump 5 issues that are important to you today that you want to apply the brakes to in 2022 and reverse in 2024. Send to;

Donald J. Trump
