Take Action Now To Preserve Your Rights!
Washington anti-gun legislators are hard at work eroding your Second Amendment rights.
Two new bills banning magazines in the Washington State Legislature need your action today.
SB 5078 demonizes magazines holding eighteen or more rounds as “dangerous and unusual” while its companion bill, HB 1164 (which lowers the maximum to ten rounds), claims that “magazine capacity limits do not interfere with responsible, lawful self-defense”.
SB 5078, in regal fashion, graciously offers the pretense of a “grandfather” clause for “large capacity” magazines to citizens who can show verifiable, photo evidence of themselves with the “large capacity” magazine(s) taken before the date the bill is to be signed into law.
HB 1164 grants citizens who inherit such magazines exemption so long as they can show incontrovertible proof that they inherited them from “a former owner who was in legal possession of the large capacity magazine”.
The obvious goal with these subversive bills is to thwart the Second Amendment as well as Article I, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution.
Take a stand now and tell your representatives to vote “NO” on SB 5078 and HB 1164. Copy/paste the message below to the list of email recipients for the Senate and the House, replacing the “[YOUR NAME HERE]” with your name.
Dear Senator,
I am writing to urge you to vote NO on SB 5078. I call upon you to remember your oath to uphold and defend the Washington State Constitution which states, in Article I, Section 1, that governments “are established to protect and maintain individual rights“. SB 5078 is in violation of Article I, Section 24 of the Washington State Constitution and must not stand. Please keep your oath to uphold and defend the Constitution by voting NO on this bill.
Copy/paste this list of emails into the “To” box of your email message.
andy.billig@leg.wa.gov; john.braun@leg.wa.gov; sharon.brown@leg.wa.gov; reuven.carlyle@leg.wa.gov; annette.cleveland@leg.wa.gov; steve.conway@leg.wa.gov; mona.das@leg.wa.gov; manka.dhingra@leg.wa.gov; perry.dozier@leg.wa.gov; doug.ericksen@leg.wa.gov; phil.fortunato@leg.wa.gov; david.frockt@leg.wa.gov; chris.gildon@leg.wa.gov; bob.hasegawa@leg.wa.gov; brad.hawkins@leg.wa.gov; jeff.holy@leg.wa.gov; jim.honeyford@leg.wa.gov; sam.hunt@leg.wa.gov; karen.keiser@leg.wa.gov; curtis.king@leg.wa.gov; patty.kuderer@leg.wa.gov; marko.liias@leg.wa.gov; liz.lovelett@leg.wa.gov; john.lovick@leg.wa.gov; jim.mccune@leg.wa.gov; mark.mullet@leg.wa.gov; ron.muzzall@leg.wa.gov; joe.nguyen@leg.wa.gov; twina.nobles@leg.wa.gov; mike.padden@leg.wa.gov; jamie.pedersen@leg.wa.gov; emily.randall@leg.wa.gov; ann.rivers@leg.wa.gov; june.robinson@leg.wa.gov; christine.rolfes@leg.wa.gov; Rebecca.Saldana@Leg.wa.gov; jesse.salomon@leg.wa.gov; mark.schoesler@leg.wa.gov; timothy.sheldon@leg.wa.gov; shelly.short@leg.wa.gov; derek.stanford@leg.wa.gov; yasmin.trudeau@leg.wa.gov; kevin.vandewege@leg.wa.gov; keith.wagoner@leg.wa.gov; judy.warnick@leg.wa.gov; lisa.wellman@leg.wa.gov; claire.wilson@leg.wa.gov; jeff.wilson@leg.wa.gov; lynda.wilson@leg.wa.gov; ltgov@ltgov.wa.gov; steve.hobbs@sos.wa.gov;