One persons experience ? Feel better Claire, wish you well.

2 Jahre

folks. I have not been vaxxed. I haven't been sick since 2012, and that was a bad case of salmonella. I did however get a pneumovax shot having forgotten my Dr.s advice long ago to never get another shot (since I had an allergic reaction). Yes, I forgot.
Wellllllllllllllll my rotator cuff was frozen or torn 3 days after that, requiring 8 months of physical therapy during the first months of covid (google it).

But the reality of covid hit a week plus ago. Not the flu. Not a cold. I had poo-pooed everyone who said they had it. I said everyone who died died from getting the jab.

Please judge not. I have 70+ symptoms of covid. loss of taste, smell, temp up to 100+, sore throat, runny nose, difficulty breathing, drop in oxygen, nausea, vomiting, weight loss (not like that will kill me but ...). Long ago I had pneumonia bad. Was it like this? No. This is worse. Is it like the flu? Not even close.

Because I don't want to go to the hospital like ever, here is my regime. Besides face planting into bed for hours. I have an oximeter. The lowest it showed was 92% (I check 3x a day along with my temp) and ppl are going on vents at 89% and that is a heck no, So I do lung exercises 3-4 times a day. If you have someone to help, even better.

Get an over the counter oximeter that goes on your finger, they are cheap. Measure that puppy and if it goes below 95% get onto another lung exercise. I can guarantee that under that you may have dizziness. I did. Kicked the bucked (trash can), it went over and I was still moving. I don't know how but I did a pirouette, hit the edge of the table, bounced off, land on the floor on the same side, and smacked my head against the hard floor. That Was Not Fun. So take your time standing up.

1. Take three deep as you can breaths and on the final one cough like your life depends on it. Do this several times. Note the color of whatever comes up. White is okay. Green? Not so much
2. Postural drainage and percussion. This Is The Biggest thing you can do. Have a friend cup/tent their hands and pound (ok a lot lighter than that), for 2 minutes just above the lower ribs, then mid-back. Then sides. Often you'll have to cough after each one. That is ok. Don't eat before this by the way. Lean over or lay on your stomach. Turn over and repeat to the upper chest. Then could again like you mean it. Do this 3-4 times a day.
3. Drink plenty of water. I have still water hunger.
4. Know that when you cough like this it feels like you've been punched in the ribs repeatedly and on top of that you've done 300 sit ups.
5. If you have asthma and an inhaler, this might be a good time to use it 3 times a day. **I haven't tried it**

The novelty wears off but do the Rocky thing and keep going,

Now if you have absolutely no cough, if it doesn't feel like you are trying to breathe with a boulder on your chest, you may not have to do this. But for nausea, vomiting, sorry, that's something you have to ride out, and anti nausea pills did not help me. To eat: eat soups, and only a tablespoon or two at a time. After all, if you have vomiting do you really want toast, eggs etc to come up later? Saltines: nibble. Sprite, 7 Up help tho may give you acid reflux. Yay.

You may feel great for a few days afterward - that may well be deceptive. Heck I carried wood, cooked, cleaned and kablooey ended up in dire straits for the next days. Still am there.

So don't discount that some of us laughed covid off until we got it. None of the above is medical advice so please don't take it as such. This is my anecdotal information.

1. Rest
2. Postural drainage and percussion (google it if you want a lesson on it)
3. Deep breathing exercises
4. Water, water, water.
5. Saltines, Sprite or 7 Up, soup. But get those calories in
6. If you have oxygen, use it.
7. If your oxygen drops call your doc.