Scientist Slams University for Implanting Aborted Babies’ Scalps Into Mice: Exploiting “Death of an Innocent Child”
Micaiah Bilger- A prominent scientist criticized the University of Pittsburgh this week for “trafficking body parts” from aborted babies for gristly experiments, including one in which babies’ scalps were implanted onto rodents to study the human immune system.

The university has been defending its research with aborted baby body parts, pointing to a recent investigation that found it is “fully compliant with applicable laws.”

But Dr. David Prentice, the vice president of the Charlotte Lozier Institute and a medical researcher, said the investigation, which was commissioned by the university, was too narrow. What’s more, he said there is no need to use unethically obtained tissue from aborted babies in scientific research.

Scientist Slams University for Implanting Aborted Babies' Scalps Into Mice: Exploiting "Death of an Innocent Child" -

Scientist Slams University for Implanting Aborted Babies' Scalps Into Mice: Exploiting "Death of an Innocent Child" -

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