Greetings Brothers, Sisters Fellow Americans.
I am known as Targus, 3rd Officer of the Watchmen of America and I come to you with a very simple request.
WE, The Watchmen of America are in need of those who are intensely concerned with what is occurring within our Country today and want to make a difference for not only their family and immediate community, but also for all those within your individual States.
We have immediate openings across the board for Commanders, Executive Officers, Training Officers and Recruitment Officers for many states.
Now I want to forewarn you, these positions require someone who is willing to go the extra mile and is not one who gives up easily. We will give you the training you need to be successful to create a viable State Chapter that will expand throughout your entire state.
If you find this intrigues you, then please feel free to contact me directly via email:
I look forward to responding to your email.
3rd Officer
Watchmen of America