Most patriots have heard of ESG but don’t understand it’s purpose or use by the NWO and the WEF to destroy our republic and usher in a new social credit system similar to the one in use in China.
“Environmental, social, and corporate governance (ESG) is an evaluation of a firm’s collective conscientiousness for social and environmental factors. It is typically a score that is compiled from data collected surrounding specific metrics related to intangible assets within the enterprise.”
I’ve discovered a tool created by supporters of this communist usurpation to identify corporations that participate in this and it can be used to avoid it. My bank is a supporter so I will be doing some maintenance.

ESG Ratings & Climate Search Tool - MSCI

ESG Ratings & Climate Search Tool - MSCI

Explore the Implied Temperature Rise, Decarbonization Targets, MSCI ESG Rating and Key ESG Issues of over 2,900 companies.