What Democrats want you to believe:
The world will end in 12 years. Earth is unsustainable doncha know.
America is garbage.
Voting is for everyone no matter age nor citizenship.
Open borders are necessary.
The Constitution is old and useless.
Free speech is good except......
All guns should be confiscated.
Religion is suspect unless it’s Muslim.
Abortion is a right at any time, even after birth.
All water belongs to the state.
Corporations are evil except when the left benefits.
Patriotism is stupid and naive.
LGBTQZXY lifestyle is voluminous although it is actually a tiny part of America.
Being white is a crime.
Prayer in school is bad.
The Pledge of Allegiance to our flag is not acceptable.
Voting laws are unnecessary.
Free healthcare, college, housing, transportation are rights.
Capitalism is evil.
Racism in America is growing.
Raise children without gender.
There are numerous genders.
God has no place in government, home, clubs, organizations.
One world government is the goal.