Larry Bishop shared a post  
2027 yrs

3 yrs

Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots . As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th. Footage obtained by the Gateway Pundit from militant Black Lives Matter and Antifa activist John Sullivan’s Discord server shows the so-called “civil rights activist” reveling inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan 6 as he damaged federal property. Antifa leader Jayden X spent one night in jail and was then released.

NEVER FORGET: Antifa-BLM Leader Who Was Filmed Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6, Broke a Window, and Organized Antifa Rally Near Capitol That Day - ONLY SPENT ONE DAY IN JAIL

NEVER FORGET: Antifa-BLM Leader Who Was Filmed Inside US Capitol on Jan. 6, Broke a Window, and Organized Antifa Rally Near Capitol That Day - ONLY SPENT ONE DAY IN JAIL

Antifa-Insurgence leader John Earl Sullivan was arrested in Utah after the US Capitol riots. As reported previously Antifa protester John Sullivan was caught on video posing as a Trump supporter during the rioting at the US Capitol on January 6th.