Put your own equation here.
Enter any valid equation to begin the game and start looking for hints. You will have a total of 6 attempts to estimate the target equation. You can use integers (0–9) and arithmetic signs (+––*/=) when calculating.
Put your own equation here.
Identify the equation's numbers and signs.
The target equation's incorrect placement of any integers or arithmetic signs will be marked in brown. The exact location of any numbers or signs within the equation will be marked in green. The absence of certain numbers or signs in the equation is indicated by the color gray.
Identify the equation's numbers and signs.
Attempt to resolve the specified equation.
You must correctly guess the equation in order to win the game (all spots are green). When the game is over, it's simple to post your score on social media, copy the link, and challenge your friends!
Attempt to resolve the specified equation.
Describe Numberle.
A arithmetic puzzle game called Numberle was created as an homage to Wordle, which gained popularity in early 2022. In order to win the Numberle game, you must correctly estimate the mathematical equation six times. You'll receive colored suggestions as you add your own equations that show how close you are to finishing the puzzle; if all the rows are highlighted in green, you've won! Playing this game with your buddies is a great way to exercise your brain.

this game is available on https://octordle.io



Octordle is an online brain teaser in which your objective is to make an effort to solve 8 challenging puzzles at one.