Constitution and they don't teach it anymore in Schools-WHY? B/C they (Democrats) want you dumb & stupid, so they can Rule you-that what they say: GOES.!! It's the same about these TOP Federal Law Enforce Dept's and the Democrat Elected in both Houses-States and Counties & Cities. They don't want you to know "The Laws" of America and what protects you. Like Judges in The Peoples Courts. They cannot more say things about you-their Opinions-& then think you don't have your right to Speak. Many Judges out there are: Bullies. It's NOT their Court room to do as they Wish. It's the PPL's Court and they just sit and maintain the laws are followed-etc.
The Civil War was all about Rights for the American People.!! Not the leaders getting power-not the Judges getting power over The People-not the President or anyone else just violating our Immagration laws and saying: I'm letting them in and our Boarder Patrol nor anyone else can Stop Me (President-&-so on) and the PPL have no say so about it. WRONG. American's do have the right to stop these illegal entries-when our Govt stops enforcing the Laws of this Land.!!! We have a right to Remove them, also.
Why do you think the US Constitution was made. For & by The People: Not by the Govt. Why do you think its important to have a Supreme Court & Govt made to follow it. We now have a: Doctorial Govt in Office and if not stopped-America will Join the other Countries who once had Freedoms and a People's Govt.

Supreme Court Delivers Big Deal Decision For Freedom

It was overshadowed by the decision to overturn "Roe v. Wade," but the High Court’s ruling on "West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency" has profound implications for saving our system of government.