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What is a Garage Door Monitor ?
A garage door monitor is a small, battery operated device that can be placed on your garage door to provide you security and peace of mind. When activated, the monitor sends instant notifications if the garage door is open. This type of monitor is an extra added protection for your home since it prevents unauthorized people from entering your home through an open garage door which could potentially lead to dangerous situations.

Garage door monitors are a device that consists of a transmitter and receiver. The transmitter emits a signal to the receiver that is used to detect when the door is opened or closed. A good example of this type of monitor is GarageDoorMinder.com It is a Bluetooth device that is very easy to install. It only takes a couple of minutes and your device is ready to go. Many existing customers have commented on how simple this garage door monitor is to set up. There are other types of garage door monitors out there, but all require Wi-Fi access, passwords, wires and have complicated hardware to install. Garage door minder is Bluetooth so none of the complicated installation is required.

To install the garage door monitor, you first have to install the transmitter on the garage door. You then have to place the receiver somewhere in your home. Next, you have to open the garage door and activate the monitor. Once it is activated, the garage door monitor receiver will display a blinking red light and emit an intermittent beeping sound letting you know your door is open.

There are many reasons why you would want to have a Garage Door Minder monitor. One reason is to prevent someone from stealing items from your garage. Knowing you went to bed and forgot the garage door was open all night can be very scary if you have this type of garage door monitor, you can always see and hear when the garage door is opened or closed. The notification light stick receiver beeps and blinks.This garage door monitor will help to prevent theft and wondering if the door is closed and secure. Another reason to have a garage door monitor is to prevent unwanted pests from getting into your garage or unwanted intruders from entering your home through your garage.

Garage door monitors are essentials tools in helping with home security. The garage monitor takes the guessing out of if you left the door open. Let face it crime is on the rise and criminals are looking for opportunities Garage door monitors are inexpensive ways to protect you, your family and your belongings. GarageDoorMinder.com is a door monitor that uses Bluetooth technology so there are no wires or Wi-Fi needed also no passwords. Monitoring your garage doesn’t have to be complicated. Is the largest point of entry into your house being monitored? Hopefully you now have a better understanding of what a garage door monitor is. GarageDoorMinder.com