2 yrs - Youtube

Just a little commentary for those who didn’t have the “privilege” of hearing the figurehead of our country verbally berate us tonight...

Mr. Biden, I won’t call you President when you don’t even understand the structure of the government you claim to lead. We are a Republic. We purposely do not have a democracy, because democracy devolves into totalitarianism of some form. I’ll attach a great educational video on that topic below. You said Republic once; in contrast, you said Democracy dozens and dozens of times.

Mr. Biden, when you speak of uniting a nation, you can’t in the same breath call half the country “a clear and present danger to our democracy,” and simply quoting someone else saying it, doesn’t absolve you of agreeing with and promoting it. Yes, it’s a threat to your democracy because you’re trying to promote that false government structure; our education of the people is not a physical threat, but damages the integrity of your administration.

Mr. Biden, when you say our prediction of violence means we’re calling for violence, remember that you are here predicting violence as well. By your own admission, that means you’re calling for violence yourself. So which is it? You can’t have it both ways. We aren't calling for violence, but we see it coming from your supporters and administration as you continue to encourage them to 'stand against us'.

Mr. Biden, you said we only see two outcomes for elections: winning or the other side cheating. You said we only love our country when we’ve won. And yet you say because we love our country (and all the time, I might correct) that we are domestic terrorists. Remember that according to you, we didn’t win two years ago. So again, I ask, which is it? Do we hate our country because we lost? Or do we love our country so we’re nationalists? You can’t have it both ways.

Mr. Biden, that was the most disgusting, partisan, violence-baiting speech I’ve ever heard or read. You clearly don’t understand our country’s history and origins (though you claim to), you have no qualifications to speak on the soul of a nation you don’t even know (though you claim to), and you are doing nothing but dividing us further (though you claim you want unity). You, sir, are unqualified for this office.
