De >>>> I am a USA student of Yang24, Yang37, and Tai Chi for Arthritis TCA forms. I learned TCA as a student in 2005.
The twelve step Tai Chi for Arthritis taught by Dr. Lam is an excellent product. But the product name does not convey well to Americans. Maybe a cultural thing. The first thing an American says is " I do not have Arthritis and, ipso facto no_so, I do not need Tai Chi for Arthritis. " The equivalent has been remarked to me many times. And just yesterday in fact, 10/23/2022.
I learned long ago that the Universe fails to recognize and reward negative words and fear. That's why I've worked to eliminate "not" and "no" in my thinking pod and it's worked. (e.g. "Don't Fall" becomes "Walk upright and securely. Walk in Balance" Same thing with fear. Try replacing "fear" with a positive image and energy. Most seniors are terrified of losing their mobility in Arthritis. Arthritis is definitely an emotionally negative charged word in some quarters. Try replacing "Arthritis" with a positive image and energy. Feel your health rejuvenated and movements flowing in Tai Chi, as you breathe in energy and healing.
I suppose that all consider Arthritis as a negative quantity, except maybe the knee surgeon$. A product name for a positive quantity carries entirely different connotation to Americans and marketing products to Americans. For example, one USA senior asked in the local Caffeine Clinic, if >>> Tai Chi was good for balance <<<<. Well, I showed her and friends the TCA form gratis in Starbucks, and recommended her to the local YMCA, where Yang24 and TCA was taught to me. But the product name "Tai Chi for Arthritis" does not sell itself to Americans. Would not >>> Tai Chi for Balance <<<< have a positive ring?
Best Wishes, De