Well, I've been saying it for 2 years now; no Marxist revolutionary has ever allowed themselves to be voted out of power by fair and honest elections, how the hell do you think we can win when the courts and republican establishment have given the democrats authority to cheat however much they need to to retain and expand their power, and the courts have ruled no one has the right to challenge them on it? Marxists (which is what the democrats are) don't allow fair and honest elections, they rig them before hand to give themselves the victory. The ONLY way Marxist revolutionaries have ever been removed before they destroy a nation is through OVERWHELMING FORCE. How much longer are the patriots of this country going to risk their children's and grandchildren's freedoms just to avoid getting off their backsides and fighting? I have no children; yet I would willingly lay down my life to destroy these Marxist slavers and secure the liberty and freedoms I have enjoyed for future generations, because I owe that to them and the ones who came before me and secured mine.