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Wellness Company Headed by Dr. Peter McCullough Demands Release of Damar Hamlin’s Vaccine Status as Part of Any Investigation into this Tragedy

Dr. Peter McCullough, one of the world’s leading cardiologists, and the Chief Scientific Officer for The Wellness Company said, “I watched the play live both as a fan and a cardiologist and I saw blunt neck and chest trauma, a brief recovery after the tackle and then a classic cardiac arrest. I have communicated to one of the most experienced trainers in the world and we agree that it was a cardiac arrest in the setting of a big surge of adrenalin. If Damar Hamlin indeed took one of the COVID-19 vaccines, then subclinical vaccine-induced myocarditis must be considered in the differential diagnosis.” Dr. Paul Alexander, a Senior Advisor to The Wellness Company, and one of the leading scholars on COVID-19 and the vaccines, wrote in his substack that this, “form of on-field cardiac arrest with exertion, is consistently following COVID gene injection vaccine administration in similarly young athletes. We await more information yet until I see otherwise, this was vaccine. Was this a rhythm disturbance due to silent myocarditis (that his heart was damaged and not functioning optimally prior to the shot) that the body shot made worse and caused the cardiac arrest? A 24-year old strong young fit athlete like this does not suffer cardiac arrest like this. This was not due to the hit, IMO and I base this on the landscape that has accumulated since February 2021. No matter how many times you look at this on tape. If he took COVID gene mRNA/DNA injection vaccine and near 100% he did (the NFL league mandated it), then this is likely a result of the COVID gene injection (cannot be ruled out and has some role).” “For the last few years, big tech, big media and the big medical industrial complex have worked together to silence any questions about COVID treatments, protocols or vaccines. The results of this effort have been devastating to the confidence in the doctor-patient relationship and cost countless lives. It is time to start asking questions and it is time to start telling the truth,” concluded Coulson. PRAY: Lord, You say, "I the LORD love judgment" of justice. Isaiah 61:8. The USA agrees. We ask for Your law and order to fill the USA. As Romans 13:4 KJV teaches, we cry out to You for lawful powers to "execute wrath upon him that doeth evil" including with lawful justice for treason against shot, mask and lockdown pushers who harmed and killed millions of people according to VAERS and reports. In Jesus' name. Amen.
