The main problem I see here, excluding the enormous egomaniacal content of his statement is this: This is God’s planet, nor some self-appointed human savior’s. There is truly nothing wrong with the planet. God has done a pretty good job of managing it for billions of years! These people are delusional!

Climate Czar John Kerry: 'We planet saviors had extraterrestrial influence.' via @wattsupwiththat

Climate Czar John Kerry: ‘We planet saviors had extraterrestrial influence.’ - Watts Up With That?

Climate Czar John Kerry: ‘We planet saviors had extraterrestrial influence.’ - Watts Up With That?

Form the "holier than thou and ET just had a facepalm" department comes this unmitigated display of the egotistic, pompous, off-the rails climate belief system of John Kerry at the 2023 WEF/Davos convention. Watch the video: Transcript (aut