Hawaiian lawmaker banned from participating in an event honoring a native Hawaiian leader and prince of generations past for challenging the display of an LGBT pride flag at his children’s respective middle-school. He stated:

“You might be thinking yourself, What does that flag actually represent? What is it conveying to our middle school students? This is what it means: lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, plus…

Are these the kinds of concepts and lifestyles we want to be conveying to our middle school students? Every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday all year round?,”

[I don’t know about the rest of you out there but I think that is a very important point he brought up and some very important questions to be asked. What should also be discussed is what the rainbow was originally designed to represent (Gen. 6-9:17) before the LGBTs perverted its meaning.]