Larry Hall shared a post  
2027 yrs

2 yrs

Watch. SHAME ON DEMOCRATS for Bearing False Witness

The answer to fix the problems is to make God top priority by reading the Bible morning and evening, turning from all wicked ways and crying out to God an hour daily for a Christian nation government now in revival with Steven Andrew. Nothing else will make a difference, because the problem is sin that brings darkness. If you want God to save America, support revival.

HOPE. PRAY: Lord, You say, "I the LORD love judgment" of justice. Isaiah 61:8. The USA agrees. We ask for Your law and order to fill the USA. As Romans 13:4 KJV teaches, we cry out to You for lawful powers to "execute wrath upon him that doeth evil" including with lawful justice for treason against cheaters, traitors and those bearing false witness. In Jesus' name. Amen.