Ok, I have to share a Marine Corps joke. The base chaplain was walking down Lejeune Blvd and saw private Schmuckatella heading his way. The private offered a sloppy salute and a mumbled, "G-mornin' sir." As required, the chaplain returned his salute, then said, "Private, tomorrow is Easter. Can you tell me what's important about this day?"
The private looked blank for a moment, then said, "Oh yeah! It has all the flags and fireworks and marching bands..."
The chaplain cut him off with a sad, "Carry on, Marine."
As he continued on his way, he met a fairly squared-away looking lance corporal, of whom he asked the same question after their having exchanged salutes. The lance corporal said, "Yes sir, I know! It's the lights and pine trees and that fat guy in the red..."
"Carry on, Marine."
The chaplain sighed and was quite dejected at this point, staring at the ground as he walked while thinking, "Perhaps it's something in the water here at Camp Lejeune?" His thoughts were interrupted by a crisp, "Good morning, sir!" He looked up to see an A.J., squared away, Marine Corps Sergeant.
The chaplain asked his question, and the Seargent replied, "Sir, yes sir! On the third day of his burial following his crucifixion by the Romans at Calvary..." the chaplain started to smile "...there was a great earthquake as the angel of the Lord descended, rolled back the stone from the door, and sat on it." (Matthew 28-2)
The chaplain was now quivering with excitement!
And the Sergeant finished with, "but Jesus saw his shadow and went back in for six weeks."