6 Jahre
People clutching their pearls over Trump saying "thank you" and "Wow!" to the over-the-top praise a Newsmax media guy gave him about how the media guy thinks Jews in Israel "love him like he is the King of Israel" and "They love him like he is the second coming of God" need to get a grip.

Trump didn't call himself the "King of Israel," nor did he compare himself to the "second coming of God." He said "thank you" and "Wow!" when SOMEONE ELSE wrote those words about him in metaphorical fashion.

If you thought Trump was a humble guy that would deflect praise, then you haven't been paying an iota of attention for the last three to four years. Also, who exactly is your alternative? Biden? Harris? Any of the other baby butchers and willing oppressors of US citizens in the crowded field of dem/leftist presidential candidates?

Is Trump perfect? Of course not. Did any of you "pearl clutchers" think he was going to turn into a perfect guy after being elected? If so, then the problem is yours, not Trumps.