"Hungary Outraged By Leaked Ukrainian Plans To Blow Up Vital Oil Pipeline POSTED BY TYLER DURDEN ON TUESDAY, MAY 16, 2023 - 03:30 AM - Hungarian media is abuzz with angry reactions after a leak obtained by The Washington Post revealed that Ukraine was planning to blow up the Druzhba oil pipeline that transports crude from Russia to Hungary. According to the leaked documents, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky proposed at a February meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Yuliya Svyrydenko that Ukraine should blow up the pipeline in order to incapacitate the part of the Hungarian energy infrastructure reliant on Russian oil. Government spokesman Zoltán Kovács reacted in a tweet with a short question: “How is it possible that Ukraine is plotting against a NATO country??" - Read more here: https://www.zerohedge.com/geop....olitical/hungary-out
