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2 yrs

Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall. (Prov 16:18)

2 yrs

People see Fox News was always a wolf in sheep's clothing. Fox News has come completely out of the closet, as it were, using its programming and on-air talent to celebrate LGBT "Pride Month" sin like never before. People are outrgaed with those mocking God and wanting people to lose their souls. The network, based in heavily gay-populated New York City, has long supported homosexual sin advocacy behind the scenes through its annual contributions to an LGBT "journalists association." But in the last two years, Fox began celebrating "pride" in June in earnest by running pro-LGBT "puff-pieces" that are every bit as one-sided as those produced by left-leaning networks like CNN and ABC. Fox even ran an uncritical "Pride Month" feature story on Rev. Dr. Stephen Pieters, who espouses gay-positive "Christianity." What can you do? Get your news on USA.Life that is pro-God and pro-America.

Fox News Mocks God: 'Most disturbing thing': Fox News joins 'Pride' Sin party, LGBT propaganda oozes; God condemns LGBT and Other Sins

Fox News Mocks God: 'Most disturbing thing': Fox News joins 'Pride' Sin party, LGBT propaganda oozes; God condemns LGBT and Other Sins

People see Fox News was always a wolf in sheep's clothing. Fox News has come completely out of the closet, as it were, using its programming and on-air talent to celebrate LGBT "Pride Month" sin like never before. HOPE. Steven Andrew brings God's answer and reminds the nation that MAKING GOD TOP PRIORITY HEALS OUR LAND. Lord, You are America's God. The USA needs You. Forgive our sins by Jesus Christ's blood. We cry out for a Christian Nation government now. We humble ourselves before You and seek Your face with Bible reading morning and evening. We turn from our wicked ways. In Jesus' name. Amen.