X staff and support,

I have received your reply by e-mail reguarding my account suspension @NKRicchiuti4 have not asked for my account to be restored but to be audited.

"...or why you don’t believe you violated the X Rules. "
I use social media responsibly.

"Your account was suspended due to multiple or repeat violations of the Twitter Rules:"

X will have no problem presenting an itinerary of "multiple or repeat violations" and if not, then my suspension is unwarrented and would have difficulty passing ethics at Hughes Aircraft Co.

If you have any question please contact me at my e-mail.

Thank You and looking foward to the result of your audit,

Nicholas Kevin Ricchiuti
Tyler, Texas 75707-7215

Alumnus 3/99-5/02
Space and Communications Division
Hughes Aircraft Co.
Employee I.D. 00r0675

A quote from King David's book of Pslams 35:11
“False witnesses did rise up; they laid to my charge things that I knew not.”
As of my First Post of my thread on X/Twitter my letter was over budget by 666 words EXACTLY ( -666 ).

Now I know who I am dealing with !