Recently with all the discussion of WORLD EVENTS there is a Weapon of Mass Distraction from keeping U.S. from looking at local events and influences.

See B.S. COVID-19 KY(Jelly)TX here in Tyler had been refereed to as the children on Fake-Book Anti-Social Media.

Appropriate since I seriously doubt if any one of them has ever seen GASOLINE at $0.27 a gallon in 1973

Each night you can listed to young adolescence who like to hear themselves talk and sold there souls to Satan for their faces on TV, "MESSAGE" you about your Government not being big enough, your taxes not high enough and your welfare DEFACTO PLANTATION state not passing out enough of your hard earned money to ILLEGAL ALIENS.

Boycott the sponsors of you local TV stations. They are not independent and are not bringing you any "SNOOZE" that has anything to do with our Constitutional Republic.

Some of their sponsors are Mom and Pop Shop please write them and ask them to take their advertising dollars to INDEPENDENT MEDIA platforms.