Codias Social Media has gone dark and with Elon Musk turning " X " over to a new CEO the its future as a FREE SPEECH PLATFORM is in question.

During it advent it received notice from National Review Magazine and FOX news.
Both should have been featured on Codias and or they should have offered free accounts.

Any loss of any X / Twitter alternative is not good. the "IDEER" of GOING SOME WHERE ELSE other than Twitter sounds good but alternatives can be NOTHING MORE THAN screaming into a closet which is know as an ECHO CHAMBER such as TRIBEL LLC ( a.k.a. ECHO CHAMBER ORANGE MAN BAD! )

" YOU Can say any thing you want AS LONG AS NO BODY HEARS IT! "

1.) Real Americas Voice News had a social media platform which is now a simple chat room.
2. ) Join Tell is AWOL.

3. ) Parler is now Dark with the biggest name is conservative media and several legislators.

4. ) ReTalk DARK.

5.) Now CODIAS is dark.

Please invite Veterans and LEO's to Patriots Hub .